Friday, December 4, 2009

Berapa besar 2 ekar?

Aku ada tanah size 2 ekar. Tapi ramai orng tanya bape besar sebenarnya 2 ekar tu. Ramai org xleh imagine size dlm ekar ni. Aku pun susah gak nak describe luas dlm ekar nie. So try ler tanya pakcik google dan ini hasilnya ::

Jawapan 1 ::

An acre is apox 3/4 a football field , so your friend is not to far out

Jawapan 2 ::

In the English-speaking world, before 8th – 21st century, a unit of land area, now

= 43,560 square feet
= 4,840 square yards
= 160 square rods
= 1/640 square mile (that is, 0.001 562 5 sq. mile)
is about 0.404 687 3 hectare
A square plot of ground, 208.7 feet on a side, will cover an acre. An American football field, 360 feet by 160 feet, is about 1.3 acres; 12 high school basketball courts are a little more than 1 acre.

Jawapan 3 ::

2 acres = 8 093.71284 m2

Rujukan ::

Yahoo Answer

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tuan...kat mana nak dapatkan benih serai peha ayam?